Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Review (PC)

Treyarch’s Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 is the fifth entry in the series if that makes any sense, and it’s also the best one so far, probably.

When Treyarch and Activision announced that the next iteration of Call of Duty was not going to have a single-player campaign, a lot of people were upset, and rightfully so. We have to remember that among the Call of Duty player there are a few, myself included, that have been playing this franchise from its beginnings.

I’m not sure how many of you still remember that Call of Duty was splintered off from Medal of Honor. Back in 2002, Medal of Honor: Allied Assault shocked everyone with its debarkation sequence, and it’s a vivid memory to this day.

Some of the creators of that game, including the famous Vince Zampella started its own company named Infinity Ward, which then made the first Call of Duty. It was an instant success and for many years competed with the Medal of Honor franchise, until it basically won.

Somewhere alon... (read more)

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